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The Courage to Teach Tech

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Education is an important aspect of any stage of personal growth

Knowledge can essentially be gained both in and out of the classroom. Most situations where issues arise can also become teaching moments and I make it my responsibility to use those opportunities to educate others. Here are several benefits that both students and teachers gain from education in respect to technology.

Reduce Reoccurrences'

When we educate someone on something, we essentially are empowering them to be better suited to face that "something" in the future...

When someone is properly educated on how to address or handle a specific issue, they become more efficient workers overall. This is because they can correct the issue and move forward in the future and shouldn't waste additional time inquiring about it again.

Increase Security

You are probably looking at the title like "how can education increase security?" I will give you a few examples now. If your organizational staff is properly educated on how to address and/or combat spam and phishing email attempts, then you should have less reported issues in that particular department. We have all heard the phrase "the best offense is a good defense", and when it pertains to organizational security that statement could not be more true. Less instances of security related incidents, equals less exposure to vulnerabilities. Another example would be reaping the financial benefits of an education. Individuals who have obtained secondary education tend to have higher salaries than high school diploma holders. That greater income potential can provide more financial security and stability for your family.

Learn Useful life skills

"The more you know, the more you realize you don't know" - Aristotle

Gaining new technological skills not only allows you to be become more marketable as an employee or potential candidate but it also constructs the foundation on which new skills can be built upon. As we move towards a more autonomous society through technological advances we will become more and more dependent on technology and the need for people to be educated on those related skillsets.

Educate Others

Once we reach a certain level of literacy then we can essentially share those learned tools and knowledge with others if we chose to do so. This allows us to gain even more fluency in the subject as we are challenged with explaining and deciphering curriculum texts in a manner that even a novice can understand.


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